Outcomes of Implementing Team-Based Learning (TBL): The Experiences of UK Educators


  • Michael Nelson Drake University
  • Simon Tweddell University of Bradford


Team-based learning (TBL) is a collaborative learning model that refocuses classroom time to solving relevant problems instead of dispensing information. This is accomplished by a pre-class readiness assurance process that promotes accountability to self-directed learning and teamwork. While research related to the student experience with TBL is present in the literature, there is a relative lack of research published on the experiences of academic staff with TBL. Using a qualitative approach and a semi-structured interview format, this study explored the experiences of 26 academic staff in the UK who implemented TBL using a semi-structured interview format. Thematic analysis of interview text yielded five themes related to curriculum design, student outcomes, and the professional development of academic staff.


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Author Biographies

Michael Nelson, Drake University

Michael Nelson is Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and a team-based learning consultant-trainer. This research was completed while he was Chair and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Regis University, Denver, Colorado, United States.

Simon Tweddell, University of Bradford

Simon Tweddell is a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice at the University of Bradford, a National Teaching Fellow, and a team-based learning consultant-trainer.


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How to Cite

Nelson, M., & Tweddell, S. (2020). Outcomes of Implementing Team-Based Learning (TBL): The Experiences of UK Educators. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 3(1), 198–212. Retrieved from https://sehej.raise-network.com/raise/article/view/954