Challenging simplistic and deficit perceptions of belonging amongst historically underrepresented students

Four self-reflective questions for policy makers and practitioners


  • David Gilani Middlesex University


As the topic of student belonging amongst minoritised student demographics becomes increasingly researched and theorised within higher education, there is a risk that practitioners and policy makers adopt approaches summarised from top-level findings, thus missing important nuance. This opinion piece poses four self-reflective questions to ensure that efforts to address belonging gaps for minoritised students are appropriate and successful. These questions prompt readers to: recognise the value of asset – over deficit – approaches; reflect on how definitions of minoritised students do not account for the difference between historical and current underrepresentation; question whether demographic binaries are useful and relevant; and consider how not all students want to belong and whether it is appropriate to challenge this position. Overall, this article provides a protocol so that practitioners and policy makers can have more confidence in embedding findings from belonging research into their local contexts.


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How to Cite

Gilani, D. (2024). Challenging simplistic and deficit perceptions of belonging amongst historically underrepresented students: Four self-reflective questions for policy makers and practitioners. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 5(3), 17–24. Retrieved from