Exploring university sustainability practices during a Covid-19 summer



This paper describes the experience of carrying out an internship project in the summer of 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. The internship was a paid placement for eight weeks, offered by X University to second year undergraduate students within the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing (SEC), on a competitive basis. The project aimed to explore sustainability practices and policies of the university, using the main campus as an exemplar. The first lockdown necessitated a change of plan; instead, the project was carried out online using the university website as the main source of information. Academic staff in two faculties were invited to complete an online questionnaire to establish their views and practices on including sustainability in their teaching, and a focus group with postgraduate students on a MA in Sustainable Design explored their opinions on sustainability in education and future employment. The perspectives of the staff and student partners are explored, and the main findings of the work as well as potential barriers are discussed.


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Author Biographies

Dr Hilda Mulrooney, Kingston University London

Dr Hilda Mulrooney is Associate Professor in Nutrition and a registered dietitian, with a keen interest in pedagogy.

Lisa Chevallereau, Kingston University London

Lisa Chevallereau is a final year student on the BSc Human Geography, with a keen interest in sustainability practices.


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How to Cite

Mulrooney, H., & Chevallereau, L. . (2021). Exploring university sustainability practices during a Covid-19 summer. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 4(1), 25–36. Retrieved from https://sehej.raise-network.com/raise/article/view/1088



Case studies/Practice Pieces