Engaging British Sign Language/ English interpreting students through the use of situated learning.


  • Thaisa Whistance University of Wolverhampton


This case study documents a pilot where situated-learning was used to train students at level 6 (final year) of the BA (hons.) BSL/English interpreting programme, in medical/healthcare interpreting. The learning experience was situated within the clinical simulation suite at the University of Wolverhampton and student interpreters had the opportunity to interpret for a real healthcare practitioner and a deaf patient in a series of carefully constructed roleplays, designed to provide as authentic an experience as possible.


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Author Biography

Thaisa Whistance, University of Wolverhampton

Senior Lecturer,

BSL/English Interpreting and Deaf Studies,

FHEA, PGCHE, RSLI, MASLI, QCF & IQA Assessor, Verifier


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How to Cite

Whistance, T. (2018). Engaging British Sign Language/ English interpreting students through the use of situated learning. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 2(2), 149–160. Retrieved from https://sehej.raise-network.com/raise/article/view/647



Case studies/Practice Pieces