An answer from research to the Teaching Excellence Framework – student engagement and graduate engagement to evidence legacy


  • Deena Ingham


At a time when the quality and legacy of degree education is a focus within the UK higher education sector, this paper explores the perception of value among graduates at differing distances from graduation. The relevance of graduates to support development of quality within the sector was identified by Nelson (1964) over 50 years ago. However political and hegemonic discourse in UK higher education has focused around value for money, and earning capacity. This paper draws on research with 202 graduates from one to forty-two years from graduation to identify the areas where they perceive value, and how that is created. It shows how, within this sample at least, degree value was seen to exist, although not in line with the hegemonic discourse. The research indicated two clear routes for enhancing experience and legacy for future generations by developing student self-authorship and engagement.


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How to Cite

Ingham, D. (2016). An answer from research to the Teaching Excellence Framework – student engagement and graduate engagement to evidence legacy. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from


