Diversifying peer mentors: working collaboratively with students to enhance engagement of under-represented groups


  • Amy Kyte Nottingham Trent University


Nottingham Trent University have delivered a large-scale student peer mentoring programme since 2017, with the objective of fostering a sense of community and belonging for first-year students. This case study describes a project undertaken in 2021 during the Coronavirus pandemic which aimed to increase the proportion of student peer mentor applications from students from traditionally under-represented groups in higher education. This project was delivered collaboratively with students and recent graduates and involved fully reviewing and adapting mentor recruitment processes. This case study describes the methods utilised, as well as the opportunities and challenges raised during this project, which ultimately succeeded in increasing the representation of several student groups, including mature students, students entering university with a BTEC qualification, and students reporting a disability.


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How to Cite

Kyte, A. (2024). Diversifying peer mentors: working collaboratively with students to enhance engagement of under-represented groups . Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 5(3), 25–34. Retrieved from https://sehej.raise-network.com/raise/article/view/1180



Case studies/Practice Pieces