Do something different- navigating the writing process during a time of stress


  • Zoe Jones University of East Anglia
  • Sarah Jones



Sarah Jones completed the Master’s in Modern and Contemporary Literature in 2017 at the University of East Anglia (UEA), where Zoë Jones is a Learning Enhancement Tutor. They worked together as tutor and tutee over several months, meeting regularly while Sarah was working on her master’s dissertation. Sarah found the process of writing the dissertation stressful to the point of needing to intercalate. Once Sarah had returned to the University to complete her dissertation, she explored a range of creative and innovative techniques with Zoë for producing the necessary writing to complete her course. The result was that Sarah was able to submit a piece of work of which she felt proud. In this collaborative paper, Sarah and Zoë share their reflections on the work they did together and give insights into some of their successes. This case study will be of interest to anyone looking for ways of renewing their engagement with their writing, or to tutors or academics working with students during periods of difficulty


Key words: creativity; writing processes; wellbeing; stress 


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Author Biographies

Zoe Jones, University of East Anglia

Learning Ehnancement Tutor, Learning Enhancement Team, Student Support Centre

Sarah Jones

Graduate from MA Writing the Modern World (Modern and Contemporary Literature), University of East Anglia



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How to Cite

Jones, Z., & Jones, S. (2019). Do something different- navigating the writing process during a time of stress. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 2(3), 222–233. Retrieved from