How student engagement has been enhanced through research into factors affecting creativity


  • Gareth Loudon Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Bethan Gordon Cardiff Metropolitan University


Student engagement is critical in helping students learn effectively and achieve success. For students working in the areas of art and design, there is also a strong emphasis placed on the importance of creativity. Over recent years we have conducted research into the factors and processes affecting creativity and explored how these insights can help improve student engagement and student creativity. The paper discusses the relationship between factors affecting student engagement and creativity; how our curriculum has been designed to develop student creativity; and how we have evaluated and refined our curriculum to enhance student engagement, based on our research into creativity. We present results from the National Student Survey (NSS) and from our own internal qualitative and quantitative data analysis highlighting areas where we have made a positive impact on student engagement. We also reflect on areas for further development and the possible impact our approach and curriculum design could have on other disciplines.


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Author Biographies

Gareth Loudon, Cardiff Metropolitan University

Gareth Loudon is Professor of Creativity at the Cardiff School of Art and Design. Gareth's research interests focus on understanding the factors and processes affecting creativity combining ideas from anthropology and psychology, engineering and design.

Bethan Gordon, Cardiff Metropolitan University

Bethan Gordon is Deputy Dean and Director of Learning and Teaching at the Cardiff School of Art and Design. Bethan has research interests in creativity and the application of user centred design in industry.


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How to Cite

Loudon, G., & Gordon, B. (2019). How student engagement has been enhanced through research into factors affecting creativity. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 2(3), 84–101. Retrieved from