Engaging student voices via digital feedback platforms: new directions, dilemmas, and affordances


  • Stella Kazamia
  • Helen Treharne
  • Karen Gravett
  • Naomi Winstone


Higher education institutions have adopted multiple tools to engage students’ voices on key areas, including teaching, learning opportunities, assessment, and feedback. Concerns about timeliness have meant that the effectiveness of such methods has been questioned. This has prompted the adoption of alternative approaches that can capture student feedback at earlier points in the degree programme. This paper explores how the adoption of the digital feedback platform Unitu, has impacted students’ experiences and their interactions with the academic staff. This was accomplished through a mixed method approach using surveys, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups with students and staff. This study indicates that Unitu can provide many affordances for staff and institutional leaders in their scope to surface students’ experiences and provide timely responses to students’ feedback. The dilemmas that educators must address if they are to continue promoting effective learning experiences through digital feedback platforms are also discussed in this paper.


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How to Cite

Kazamia, S., Treharne, H. ., Gravett, K. ., & Winstone, N. . (2024). Engaging student voices via digital feedback platforms: new directions, dilemmas, and affordances. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 5(3), 178–197. Retrieved from https://sehej.raise-network.com/raise/article/view/1220